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Krav Maga Worldwide Reopening

UPDATE as of 7/17/20--

We still remain at Stage 4.5 per Governor Holcomb and will continue to keep you posted on Facebook & our website when reach Stage 5: when we can train with a partner!

Thus, our BJJ, Gound & Weapon’s classes will be paused.

Our members are still learning & having a blast! We still have heavy bags, pads etc. to kick & strike on to practice techniques and more. Our Instructors ROCK here & are very creative with our classes - Come check us out!!!

Thank you for your continued support :)


UPDATE: Stage 5 Phase of allowing us to train with a partner this Saturday (July 4th) has been postponed two weeks per Gov. Holcomb. We'll have more information prior to July 18th.

We are still OPEN for 4th of July holiday & will continue to train while social distancing. Thus, our BJJ, Gound & Weapon’s classes will be paused.

We will continue to keep you updated on Facebook and our website!

Doors OPEN, Tuesday – May 26th

We had added air purifiers in the rooms and will clean pads/equipment after classes, including wiping down surfaces throughout the facility. We have also purchased a fogging unit to use on the equipment.

All floor mats in each room have been marked with BLUE squares spaced 6 feet apart. Members will pick & stand on a blue square upon entering the room. Class schedule remains the same with a few modifications listed below. We will run/instruct modified classes while training using social distancing. We will be working on everyone’s cardio & techniques slowly conditioning the body back up. Classes will end 15 minutes earlier to allow time to clean up for the next class.

Please read the following details:

We will NOT have partners yet until time permits. When that time approaches, we will be limiting each member to 1 partner for the class and will continue to clean pads etc. after each class.

 - Kids KMX classes will operate as status quo on the schedule

- Youth KMX classes will operate on time and END 15 minutes earlier (45 min. classes)

- KMX students will be directed to their room to pick & stand on a BLUE square/dot (Blue sticker 6 ft. indicator) and wait for class to begin. Kids will NOT be pulling their attendance cards at this time (staff will).

- Due to the space restrictions, if possible, please drop off & pick up your child(ren) for attendance to help limit our spectatorship occupancy (temporarily).

- All Adult classes will operate on time and END 15 minutes earlier (45 min. classes) with the EXCEPTION of BJJ, Ground, and Weapons class will be temporarily on hold (tentatively through June).

- Limit gym bags to NO bags or small drawstring/bag for gloves/handwraps (optional). No other gear will be mandated at this time.

Please DO NOT come in if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

· Fever

· Cough

· And/or any difficulty breathing

We look forward to seeing everyone & your bright smiles. We Thank You All for your loyalty & support!

- Krav Team Indy

Fishers' Premier Source For Elite Krav Maga Training!

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