Check Out Our MARCH Women's Seminar
Pre-register & SAVE $10 in February!
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MARCH Women's Seminar

Don’t be a victim…EVER and "Fight Back!”

SAVE the DATE:  Saturday, MARCH 22nd from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Our seminars have been selling out fast due to class size limitations- reserve your spot today!


​​​​​Women's Self Defense Seminar...Come one, come all!!! For you and/or your loved ones (Ladies Only- moms, wives, daughters, nieces) kids home for the summer break before heading back/to college.  Let us HELP you learn how to understand your environment & surroundings (Ladies ONLY ages 13 and older)  Let's have the girls: Be PREPARED...Not SCARED.

Give the GIFT of “giving”… groin kicks, punches, elbow strikes & more!

Join in on the 2 hours of FUN learning Self Defense combatives catered more to women scenarios. Learn defenses against common attacks that people are faced with in today's unpredictable world. You will get in a great workout meanwhile you're having FUN with the ladies learning Self Defense.

KRAV MAGA...a Workout that just might SAVE your LIFE!  Call, come in or click on our link to RESERVE your spot!  SAVE $10 NOW thru February 2025 w/online Coupon Code!

Register NOW!


Fishers' Premier Source For Elite Krav Maga Training!

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